Setting Intentions: Why They Matter and How to Do It

Breakfast Boost
15 min readNov 20, 2023


Welcome to the world of The Breakfast Boost, the podcast that’s been energizing mornings across the globe. With your charismatic host, Michael Yearby, each episode is a fresh blend of insight and inspiration designed to kickstart your day with a positive punch. Today, we’re starting the conversation with Episode 3: “Setting Intentions: Why They Matter and How to Do It.”

Setting intentions is like plotting your roadmap at the day’s start, carving a path through the chaos of our bustling lives. It’s not about to-do lists or towering goals; it’s the art of planting your purpose firmly in the soil of your daily actions. In the words of Richie Norton, “Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.” This powerful statement isn’t just a throwaway line; it’s today's heart of our discussion.

In this episode, Michael unpacks the seemingly simple yet profoundly impactful practice of setting intentions. With a blend of motivational psychology, actionable advice, and that trademark Breakfast Boost energy, listeners are invited to explore how a morning intention can be the first step towards taking control of their day, their goals, and, ultimately, their lives.

So, pour your favorite morning brew and settle in as we delve into the transformative power of setting intentions and why integrating this small habit into your morning routine could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

I. The Essence of Setting Intentions

At the heart of every purposeful day lies a simple yet potent concept: setting intentions. Unlike goals, which are our targets, choices are about the inner resolve that steers our day-to-day journey. It’s not just about achieving something on the outside; it’s about aligning your inner values with your everyday actions.

A. What Does Setting Intentions Truly Mean?

Setting an intention is to hold a powerful and personal commitment to how you navigate your day. It’s a compass for the soul that guides your thoughts, helps you channel your energy, and aligns your actions with your values and aspirations. This episode of The Breakfast Boost illuminates how starting the day with a clear intention is akin to waking up with a personal mission statement each morning.

B. The Distinction Between Intentions and Goals

While goals are specific, measurable, and often externally focused, intentions are lived each moment, regardless of the outcome. They are the underlying ‘why’ that informs the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of our goals. Through his conversational mastery, Michael Yearby illustrates this distinction with everyday examples, making it a relatable concept for all listeners.

C. Exploring the Power of a Motivational Quote

In this segment, the profound words of Richie Norton set the stage for today’s theme: “Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.” This quote encapsulates the essence of this episode — the empowering act of choosing how we approach life before being swept away by the current of external demands and influences.

Through The Breakfast Boost Podcast Episode 3, we grasp the essential nature of setting intentions and their foundational role in sculpting a life responsive to our deepest desires and aspirations. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into how these intentions can shape our reality and the practical steps to set them in motion effectively.

II. The Impact of Intentions on Daily Life

The ripple effect of setting intentions stretches far beyond the morning coffee; it’s a potent catalyst for transformation in our daily lives. But what makes the practice of intention-setting so impactful? This crucial segment of Episode 3 of The Breakfast Boost delves into the very fabric of how intentions can reshape our days and, by extension, our lives.

A. Psychological Benefits of Setting Intentions

Michael Yearby discusses the science-backed benefits that come with the practice of intention-setting. He sheds light on the psychological shifts when we prime our minds with a focused intention. It’s not just a feel-good exercise; it’s a strategy that can enhance mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and foster a sense of accomplishment. Intentions act as a psychological beacon, guiding our decisions and actions throughout the day, and thus, they serve as the bedrock for enhanced personal effectiveness and emotional well-being.

B. How Intentions Provide Clarity and Control

With an intention firmly set, we gain a clarified lens through which to view our day. Michael elaborates on how choices can act as a filter, helping us discern which actions align with our values and which do not. This clarity provides a powerful form of control, allowing us to live proactively rather than reactively. Instead of allowing the day’s events to dictate our state of mind and actions, we navigate our day with a proactive mindset attuned to our intention.

In this part of the podcast, listeners are encouraged to reflect on how their daily lives might change if they start each day with a clear intention. How might it shape their interactions, work, and personal growth? How might it influence the choices they make and the opportunities they pursue?

As we continue exploring the theme, Michael emphasizes that setting intentions isn’t about perfection but about direction. It’s not about a flawless execution of the day but about moving consistently toward what matters most to us.

The segment concludes by reinforcing that intention-setting is not just a morning ritual but a life strategy. It can transform an ordinary day into a canvas of possibility, turning mundane tasks into steps toward a larger purpose. Michael’s insights in this episode encourage listeners to harness the power of intentions to impact their days and craft a life of deliberate, intentional living.

III. Practical Steps to Setting Your Daily Intentions

Diving deeper into intentions, The Breakfast Boost Podcast moves from the ‘why’ to the ‘how.’ Episode 3 is not just about understanding the significance of setting preferences; it’s about equipping listeners with the practical know-how to bring this powerful practice into their daily routine. Michael Yearby guides the audience through the actionable steps needed to identify and set intentions that resonate and make a real difference in their lives.

A. Identifying Meaningful Intentions

  1. Self-Reflection: Michael emphasizes the importance of self-reflection in discerning what truly matters to us. He suggests questions that listeners can ask themselves to unearth their core values and deepest desires.
  2. Daily Priorities: He discusses how to sift through the noise of daily tasks and pinpoint priorities that merit our focus. It’s about distinguishing ‘urgent’ from ‘important’ and choosing intentions that elevate our lives.

B. Timing Your Intention-Setting

  1. Morning Ritual: The best time to set your intentions, according to Michael, is during your morning routine. He describes how the calm of the morning provides the perfect backdrop for introspection and planning.
  2. Revisiting Throughout the Day: Michael also advises listeners on the value of reviewing their intentions at multiple points during the day to realign and make adjustments as necessary.

C. Keeping Intentions in Focus

  1. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful method to keep intentions at the forefront of the mind. Michael walks listeners through a brief visualization technique, enabling them to see their day unfold according to their preferences.
  2. Tools and Aids: Michael then reviews practical tools and aids that can help maintain focus on intentions. He gives examples like intention-setting apps, journals, or even simple sticky notes in visible spots.
  3. Accountability: Setting up an accountability system is another practical step covered. This could be as simple as telling a friend about your intention or sharing it on social media for collective support.

D. Routine Integration

Finally, Michael talks about integrating intention setting into your daily routine to ensure it becomes a habit rather than a sporadic effort. He stresses the importance of consistency and repetition in making intention-setting a non-negotiable part of your day.

Throughout this segment of Episode 3, Michael Yearby stays true to The Breakfast Boost’s ethos — providing not just motivation but actionable strategies that listeners can immediately apply. He takes the audience by the hand, leading them from the inspiring philosophy of intention-setting to the tangible acts that can embed this practice into the fabric of their daily lives.

IV. Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

In the journey toward mastering the art of setting daily intentions, pitfalls await the unwary. Episode 3 of The Breakfast Boost Podcast doesn’t shy away from addressing these challenges head-on. Michael Yearby brings up the common errors and misconceptions that can derail our best efforts to live intentionally.

A. Mistaking Intentions for Goals

Michael begins by clarifying a frequent mix-up: confusing intentions with goals. While goals are the endgame, choices are about the mindset with which you play the game. He stresses that intentions should not be quantified or boxed into a checklist; they’re about the qualitative experience of your daily life.

B. Overcomplicating the Process

Another mistake, Michael points out, is overcomplicating intention-setting. It may require a grand gesture or a lengthy meditation session each morning. He encourages simplicity and advocates for intentions that are easy to state and remember throughout the day.

C. Being Too Rigid

The host also touches on the rigidity with which some approach their intentions. Life is unpredictable, and choices must be flexible to adapt to changing circumstances. Michael advises that purpose should serve as a compass, not a cage.

D. Neglecting to Reflect and Adjust

Michael observes that some individuals may set their intention and forget it, neglecting the necessary reflection and adjustment that should come later. He emphasizes the importance of looking back at the end of the day to consider how well your actions aligned with your intentions and what could be done differently tomorrow.

E. Underestimating the Power of Repetition

It is another common oversight to underestimate the power of repeating intentions. Michael explains that repetition breeds familiarity and strength in choice. He suggests it’s better to have a single choice that you reinforce daily than a new one each day lacking depth.

F. Ignoring Internal Resistance

Lastly, Michael addresses the issue of internal resistance. Sometimes, despite setting intentions, one might feel an inner resistance to following through. He talks about recognizing this resistance and using it as a sign to delve deeper into one’s motivations and fears.

In this part of the episode, Michael Yearby doesn’t just identify where we might stumble; he guides us right in our stride. Through his insight, listeners learn what to watch out for and how to sidestep these common traps, ensuring that their practice of setting daily intentions remains robust and effective.

V. The Breakfast Boost’s Intention-Setting Exercise

Towards the latter part of Episode 3, Michael Yearby transitions from discussing the theory behind setting intentions to a practical and interactive segment. He introduces “The Breakfast Boost’s Intention Setting Exercise,” a structured yet simple exercise designed to help listeners cultivate and set their daily intentions with ease.

A. Centering Your Mind

  1. Deep Breathing: Michael starts the exercise by guiding listeners through a one-minute deep breathing practice. This is to center the mind, slow down the morning rush, and create a space of calmness. He instructs on how to breathe deeply, emphasizing exhaling slowly to release tension.

B. Visualization Technique

  1. Crafting Your Ideal Day: Next, he leads a two-minute visualization session. In this step, Michael asks listeners to close their eyes and imagine their ideal day unfolding, focusing on how everything goes according to plan and how their intentions are fulfilled. He prompts them to visualize the actions they take and the emotions they experience.

C. Writing Down Your Intention

  1. Committing to Paper: The final two minutes are dedicated to writing down the intention for the day. Michael encourages listeners to keep it short, positive, and actionable. Writing cements the intention in the listener’s mind and gives a physical form to their daily purpose.

D. Implementation Tips

  1. Placing Your Intention: Michael suggests setting the written intention somewhere visible — like on a mirror or computer monitor — as a constant reminder throughout the day.
  2. Checking In: He also recommends setting specific times to check in with their intention, perhaps at lunch or during a break, to assess and realign their actions if necessary.

E. Sharing the Journey

  1. Social Media Engagement: To conclude the exercise, Michael encourages listeners to share their written intentions on social media using the hashtag #BreakfastBoostIntentions. This step is about community building and serves as a form of accountability.
  2. Feedback Loop: He invites listeners to share their successes and challenges in sticking to their intentions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support within The Breakfast Boost community.

In this segment, Michael Yearby doesn’t just tell listeners how to set intentions; he walks them through the process, making it a tangible and shared experience. This exercise encapsulates the spirit of The Breakfast Boost Podcast: actionable, community-focused, and designed to be a pivotal part of the listener’s day, much like their morning cup of coffee.

VI. Listener Engagement and Community Building

A significant aspect of The Breakfast Boost Podcast emphasizes listener engagement and community building. Episode 3 is no exception, as Michael Yearby makes a concerted effort to involve his audience as passive listeners and active participants in the journey of intentional living. Here’s how he approaches this:

A. Sharing Intentions

  1. Hashtag Initiative: Michael launches the hashtag #BreakfastBoostIntentions, inviting listeners to post their daily intentions on social media. This serves a dual purpose: it helps listeners feel connected to a more significant movement and provides a public declaration of their commitment, which can be a powerful motivator.
  2. Photo Shares: He encourages listeners to take creative photos of their intention notes or screenshots of digital reminders and share them online. This visual component adds another layer of engagement and allows for a fun, interactive element to the practice.

B. Social Media Interactions

  1. Response to Shares: Michael and his team commit to liking, commenting, and occasionally sharing listener posts that use the podcast’s hashtag. This direct interaction fosters a relationship between the host and the audience.
  2. Community Conversations: The podcast’s social media accounts become hubs for discussing intentions and daily practices. Listeners are encouraged to support and advise one another, building a sense of community.

C. Weekly Challenges

  1. Engagement Through Action: Michael introduces weekly challenges related to intention-setting, providing a structured way for listeners to continuously deepen their practice and engage with the podcast’s themes.
  2. Rewarding Participation: Occasionally, participants who share their experiences with the weekly challenges are rewarded with mentions on the podcast, merchandise, or other incentives.

D. Podcast Integration

  1. Listener Stories: Michael integrates stories or examples from listeners into the podcast episodes. By highlighting real-life applications of the principles he discusses, he makes the content more relatable and shows the value of community wisdom.
  2. Q&A Segments: Regular Q&A segments are introduced where Michael answers questions sent in by listeners, further increasing the interactive nature of the podcast.

E. Feedback Solicitation

  1. Surveys and Polls: The podcast uses surveys and polls to get listeners feedback on what they enjoy or would like to see improved. This data informs future content and gives listeners a voice in the podcast’s direction.
  2. Testimonials and Reviews: Encouraging listeners to leave testimonials and reviews on various platforms, Michael gains valuable feedback and increases the podcast’s visibility and credibility.

F. In-Person and Virtual Events

  1. Meetups and Workshops: Plans for in-person demonstrations and virtual workshops are announced, designed to teach more in-depth techniques for intention setting and personal growth.
  2. Community Support Groups: Michael mentions creating online support groups where listeners can regularly meet, discuss their progress, and support each other’s journey.

Throughout Episode 3, Michael Yearby demonstrates that The Breakfast Boost Podcast is not just about listening — it’s about connecting, sharing, and growing together. By actively fostering listener engagement and community building, he ensures his audience feels seen, heard, and integral to the podcast’s mission.

As Episode 3 of The Breakfast Boost Podcast approaches, Michael Yearby wraps up with a brief yet powerful conclusion that ties together the central themes of setting intentions and underscores the value of the community that has joined him on this journey.

A. Summarizing the Takeaways

  1. Recap of Key Points: Michael provides a brief overview of the episode’s key points, emphasizing the difference between intentions and goals, the psychological benefits of setting intentions, and the practical steps for incorporating this practice into daily life.
  2. Reiteration of the Motivational Quote: He circles back to the motivational quote by Richie Norton introduced at the beginning of the episode, reinforcing that living intentionally is about making proactive choices for ourselves.

B. The Power of Collective Intention

  1. Community Strength: Michael highlights stories and examples shared by listeners during the episode to showcase how the collective effort of setting intentions can create positivity and support within the community.
  2. Invitation for Continued Engagement: He reiterates the invitation for listeners to participate in the community by sharing their experiences and supporting one another through social media engagement.

C. Looking Ahead

  1. Teaser for the Next Episode: Building excitement for the next episode, Michael teases the topic of creating a structured morning routine and how it can contribute to personal and professional success.
  2. Call for Input: He asks listeners for their input on what they struggle with in their morning routines or what has worked well for them, giving a preview that listener contributions might be featured in the upcoming episode.

D. Gratitude and Appreciation

  1. Thanks to the Listeners: Michael sincerely thanks the listeners for participating and allowing The Breakfast Boost to be a part of their mornings.
  2. Encouragement to Keep Growing: He encourages listeners to continue setting intentions and to keep reaching out and sharing their journeys, reinforcing that they are not alone in this process.

E. Final Call to Action

  1. Subscription and Sharing: Michael reminds listeners to subscribe to the podcast and share it with others who might benefit from a morning boost of intentionality.
  2. Social Media Follows: He invites listeners to follow The Breakfast Boost on various social media platforms for daily tips and motivation, reinforcing the podcast’s presence and the availability of a supportive community beyond the episodes.

In conclusion, Michael ensures that the end of the episode is not the end of the conversation. He solidifies the bond with his listeners by acknowledging their contributions, setting the stage for future episodes, and inviting them to stay connected with The Breakfast Boost community while fostering a shared vision of intentional living.

As we tie up the insights and inspirations from Episode 3 of The Breakfast Boost Podcast, let’s not leave the energy within the confines of this audio experience. Here’s how you, yes, YOU, can take the essence of today’s conversation about setting intentions and carry it forward into your daily life:

  1. Practice What You’ve Heard: Start tomorrow with the 5-minute intention-setting exercise we explored. Remember, it’s as simple as taking a deep breath, visualizing your ideal day, and jotting down your intention. Make it a non-negotiable part of your morning ritual.
  2. Join the Conversation: Dive into the community with #BreakfastBoostIntentions on your favorite social platform. Please show us your intention notes, share your morning views, or post a selfie with your favorite morning brew! Let’s spread that every day is a fresh opportunity to live purposefully.
  3. Feedback Loop: Got a burning question or a success story? We’re all ears! Shoot us a message on our social channels, or even better, leave a voice note — we might feature you in a future episode!
  4. Subscribe and Stay Updated: Hit that subscribe button wherever you get your podcasts. This way, you won’t miss out on any episodes and always have a dose of motivation to pair with your morning cuppa.
  5. Spread the Boost: If today’s episode struck a chord with you, please share it. Whether it’s a tweet, a story, or a good old-fashioned email, pass this boost on to someone who might need it.
  6. Follow for Daily Inspiration: Check us out and follow us on all the social media streets — Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok… you name it. We drop daily nuggets of wisdom, and it’s also where you can keep the conversation going with Michael and the community.
  7. Support Our Mission: If you feel generous and believe in our actions, consider supporting the podcast. Every bit helps us keep the lights on and the inspiration flowing.

Remember, every morning is a blank canvas, and your intentions are the brushstrokes that will color your day. So, let’s make it a masterpiece, shall we?

Thank you for tuning in, engaging, and participating in this journey. Until next time, this is Michael Yearby saying: Your morning sets the tone for the day — make it intentional, make it count!

#LiveWithIntention #MorningBoost #IntentionalDays #PurposefulLiving #MorningRituals #DailyIntentions #MindfulMornings #PositiveVibesOnly #MorningMotivation #BreakfastBoostCommunity

Now, seize the day! 🌅

Hashtags and Social Media Engagement

Harness the power of community and amplify your journey of intention-setting by connecting with The Breakfast Boost family across various social media platforms. Please share your stories, challenges, and triumphs using our dedicated hashtags, and don’t forget to engage directly with Michael and fellow listeners through our specialized channels on WhatsApp and Discord.

Engage on Social Media Using Hashtags:

  • #BreakfastBoostPodcast: Connect your posts with the broader community of listeners.
  • #MorningIntentions: Share how you’re setting the stage for your day.
  • #IntentionalLiving: Post about the changes you’re experiencing by living more intentionally.
  • #BoostYourMorning: Inspire others with your unique morning views or breakfast plate.
  • #DailyPurpose: Highlight your everyday achievements guided by your intentions.
  • #MindfulMornings: Give us a glimpse into your morning meditation or mindfulness practices.
  • #PositiveRoutine: Spread positivity by sharing your morning routine tips.
  • #WakeUpWisdom: Drop a quote or a thought that woke you up in more ways than one.
  • #BoostCommunity: Celebrate community stories, meetups, and engagements.
  • #MyBreakfastBoost: Personalize your journey with the podcast and let us see your story unfold.

Join The Breakfast Boost Channels for Direct Engagement:

How to Maximize Your Social Media Engagement:

  1. Post Regularly: Share your intention-setting journey daily to build habits and invite consistency.
  2. Engage with Others: Don’t just post; comment, like, and share others’ content to foster a supportive community.
  3. Use Visuals: Include pictures or videos with your posts; they’re more likely to get attention and encourage interaction.
  4. Share Your Wins and Challenges: Be authentic! Sharing both successes and obstacles makes your journey relatable and inspirational.
  5. Respond Promptly: When someone engages with your posts, responding promptly keeps the conversation alive and builds connections.

By using these hashtags and engaging on these platforms, you’ll enrich your experience and contribute to the collective energy of a community dedicated to starting each day with purpose and positivity. Let’s lift each other up and celebrate the power of intention every morning!

Note: Always ensure you join the official channels and be wary of any impersonators or unofficial links to keep your personal information safe.



Breakfast Boost

Wake Up and Smell the Positivity: Your Weekly Boost for Mondays at 6 a.m. CST.